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Creative Producer

I’ve been an independent theatre and event producer for over 20 years & it’s been an inspiring journey so far which, as well as presenting shows in more traditional venues, has included producing Slung Low’s immersive The White Whale on the Leeds-Liverpool canal, presenting a show in hairdressing salons, visiting Teatro Kismet’s wonderful production space in Bari, Italy ahead of managing their UK tour of The Mermaid Princess, a large-scale participatory event recreating the march from Cardiff to Wales that led to formation of the Greenham Common Peace Camp, and taking Birmingham Rep’s Park Bench Plays & Grimeboy out to communities in parks, allotments & community centres.


Which makes me wonder why I say ‘oh, it’s mostly spreadsheets really’ when people ask what my job’s like?!


I focus on nurturing relationships between artists, audiences and programmers, working with artists to develop engaging interdisciplinary encounters whilst developing touring markets for their work, sourcing commercial and public funding, publishing scripts and developing their careers by promoting their work and building collaborative & enduring networks.

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